April 28, 2008

Land of the Phoenix Part 8

The Trees

The flying animal took her over the forest, in which the lizards had chased her out of, and past the lion-man’s mansion. Soon afterwards, her savior slowed and gently plopped her on the ground. It then swooped around and lightly landed in front of her.

It was a tall slender dog with golden fur and huge wings which she tucked regally to her side. She had a sweet, small head that she held erect with large, knowing eyes. Her ears which were long and covered with soft feathery fur hardly matched her skinny head, long neck and short hair. Her long tail’s feathery end also seemed out of place. But, it was her ears, tail and slender body that made her the most elegant creature Anne had ever seen.

The golden dog waited patiently while Anne caught her breath. Soon, the dog started to speak, “I have been sent to you by the great Phoenix himself. You have a job to fulfill.” Her voice was powerful and harmonious and her words echoed in Anne’s ears.

After a long pause Anne finally asked, “Well…what am I supposed to do?”

“Not to worry dear human, the dog’s marvelously black eyes sparkled, “You have come as the prophesy says: ‘A woman will take this land into her greedy hands and mold it so love may not grace it. But, be not afraid, another woman, whose innocent love knows no bounds, will come from foreign lands to save this one.’ Only your sweet presence is needed. All you have to do is be yourself and the rest will fall into place.” Anne was utterly confused.

“Do not be afraid, young one, although you are not welcomed because the prophesy has been twisted by the Sorceress. But, the Phoenix is on your side.” The slender dog smiled and let Anne scratch her soft ears. Then, she leapt up on her thin but strong legs, flew into the air and disappeared into the horizon.

Almost as soon as the dog left, it started to rain. First it drizzled lightly but the drops quickly grew to the size of golf balls. Anne ducked under a tree near another forest with lots of foliage to keep her dry and she waited, wet and exhausted. Soon, she fell asleep, leaning against the tree trunk.

When the rain stopped, she jolted awake, suddenly she had lost her support and had almost fallen over. She turned at looked at the tree she was leaning on. It was moving! She watched it slowly move, and when it got far enough away it shook its leaves. Water spray everywhere but, the tree had gotten out of range so Anne did not get wet. Anne gaped for a moment then suddenly realized that it was a polite tree!
Then, she heard a noise behind her, the whole forest was moving. As she watched in awe, the huge tree trees aligned themselves so they made a wide path straight ahead. Maybe this land was not as evil as she thought and the trees were showing the way home. Then again, she thought that maybe this was the work of the Sorceress.

Then she thought remembered the golden dog; she had said the Phoenix was on her side. And, though the trees seemed large and intimidating, she held her breath and plunged into the forest.

The path twisted and turned and seemed to go on forever. Finally, Anne lay down in a sunny spot to rest. While she lay there, her stomach growled and ached, begging for food. It’s probably almost four o’clock, she thought as she clutched her stomach. Just then, the forest in front of her parted to make way for a much smaller tree.

To Anne’s delight, it was an apple tree. It came close to her and bowed its branches low enough for her to take some of its large red fruits. She could now no longer doubt that the trees were her friends. “Thank you!” Anne said shyly, not knowing if it could actually understand her. After resting and leaving five apple cores on the ground, Anne got up and continued down the path.

Finally she could see the end. She smiled widely and started to run in excitement and hopefulness. As she got closer she saw a red glowing light trapped in a jar set upon a intricately carved golden pedestal. The red light reflected beautifully off of the crystal arch and covered it. An inscription was etched into the crystal which read: Ultimate Sacrifice. The light in the jar entranced Anne, she started towards it through the crystal tunnel and reached out to open the jar.

Suddenly something whizzed passed her ear and distracted her, it was the stag-fly she had chased when she first came here. She watched the bug buzz around her head. It hovered for a moment then pranced off towards the setting sun. She stood watching it when an enormous thump landed above her on the arch. She looked up as the large black thing crawled to the edge and jumped down between the girl and the jar.

The creature had big black wings, horrible yellow eyes, an ugly crow’s beak and stood up straight like a man. It squawked at her as she turned and ran from it. But the way was blocked by two more of the creatures who had snuck up behind her. She screamed as one of them grabbed her with hands that extended out of its wings and threw her over it’s should like a sack of potatoes.

April 16, 2008

T-Shirt Tote

NO, its not a bag to tote around your t-shirts :) Its a bag made out of a t-shirt! I took one of my dad's old KISS shirts (with his permission of course), cut two rectangles and two straps out of it, sewed it together, and thats it! Yay!

April 13, 2008

Reversible Wrap Skirt

One of my favorite magazines is Craft. It has so many wonderful ideas, its very free and whimsical and full of great projects. I loved this skirt, mostly because it's reversible (thats two skirts in one!) so I decided to make one. My craft store has a very poor selection of fabric and I was not too excited about the ones I picked but I still think it turned out very nice!