July 27, 2008

My Super Alter-ego

I've been working on changes for my blog. Sorry about the web address, I changed that too...again. It's now: http://www.samandbirdy.blospot.com/ so be sure to add it to your favorites :) I just wanted to give a little credit to Birdy, you see. Here's the story I wrote one night that inspired all this change:
"Every single day of my life has been different. But, everything I did was pretty much the same. Usually I'd finish school then do a mixture of watching TV, babysitting, playing on the computer, shopping, going to the movies, having slumber parties, cleaning my room. You know, normal stuff. I was used to change, we had moved at least 4 times, and for the most part I enjoyed change. Little did I know something big was going to happen.

In the month that I turned 16, I found myself being bustled into Germany. Everything was different; the language, the customs, the weather. Furthermore, there was absolutely mothing to do. Even TV channels were limited. For a long time it felt like I was in a state of nothingness.

This story does have a happy ending. Someone came to rescue me. An amazing superhero: my alter-ego. Her name was Birdy. She was a jewelery maker, a refashionista and a writer. She cleans, cooks and crafts; she puts Kitty into naps, washes dishes and much more. I don't know how she does it all but I'm glad she does! With her around Im never lonely or bored. My life is no longer dull and meaningless. "

Birdy told me that everyone has a super alter-ego but sometimes it takes something like a big move to set her (or him) into action. Have you found your alter-ego? I'd love to hear your stories!

Write them as a comment and I'll post them!