February 6, 2009


THIMUN - The Hague International Model United Nations

This was one of the most fun experiences of my life! I was one of the few who thought the debates were interesting plus we had an awesome hotel, I met some really cool people, the shopping was great and the dance at the end was rockin'!

I forgot to bring a camera but I will share some of my friends pictures:

This was my committee, ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) It was amazing to see all the different nationalities there. I met kids from all sorts of places from Ireland and Turkey to Kenya and India.

This was the delegate representing Saudi Arabia explaining how in his "country" they believe the words "women" and "efficient" should never be in the same sentence. (ou could hear every girl in the room gasp when he said that. Oh, its a pretty funny story, you should ask me about it sometime.

Here are our most honorable Chairs (or as one delegate put it in his speech, "most comfortable Chairs" :P) They didn't smile very much...

This was the closing ceremony. I didn't get to go, but I heard it was pretty amazing.
This trip makes me want to be a junior so I can go again next year! But, just the other day my history teacher mentioned that her daughter who is in college still goes to MUN conferences. Maybe there is still hope!!
Anyway, overall, the best part was being there with my really great friends who made it twice as much fun! Now, its time to get ready for Creative Connections on Sunday. I'm sad to say my preparations aren't looking so good... but it should all go well (I wish Christina and Amy were coming with me! *cries*)