May 22, 2009

Creative Connections

I know its really overdue, but here's a blog about my experience at Creative Connections!

It started when we rode the bus up what seemed like a never-ending hill. It was so peaceful on the mountain side, it was like a whole other world. Jasmine, an amazing artist who went for the drawing class, and I were roomates who got to be in an awesome room in the basement.

Everyday we would go to our groups. I was in the Strings group, I was really nervous at first but it turned out to really fun!! Even though the tips of my fingers began to bruise, it was aazing to get to play my violin for hours at a time. And getting to play with other muscians in an orchestra was a wonderful experience!
We played a beautiful performance piece called "American Journey" plus, during practice time, 50 sight-reading pieces. My violin instructor was amazed at how loose my fingers were when I got back home!

One of the coolest parts was hanging out with other artists. Jasmine, Andre (amazing with computer art!) and I got to meet some many people who are as weird as we are! In the Rec Room we could play pool and ping-pong and we could go hang out in the Cafe. But the best part was just walking around and hearing the music played by the performing arts section and seeing the beautiful works of art by the visual arts section.