September 23, 2008

Election of 1800

(Click to see larger image)
This is a campaign flyer I made for Thomas Jefferson in the Election of 1800! (It was a project for my AP US History class) I take the side of Republican Thomas Jefferson rather than Federalist John Adams.

There are a few things you should know about this campaign;
  • Republicans back then were not the same as they are now, they actually are more parallel to modern day Democrats (but not very close), Federalists are about the same as modern day Republicans.
  • Neither Jefferson nor Adams actively campaigned, it was conflicts between the two parties and very biased newspapers that influenced the election.
  • Adams had already served two years as president, and during that time he allowed the Alien and Sedition Acts to be passed. They were very un-constitutional that effected free speech so that nobody could critize elected officials and their party (Federalist) without risking imprisonment. Imagine how full our jails would be if the government passed a law like that today!

I am very biased towards Jefferson and the Republcans. They believed in smaller governments closer to the people where an individual's voice can be more easily be heard. That is exactly what I have believed for a very long time. I don't see my self as being a modern day Republican or Democrat but as an 18th century Jeffersonian :)

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