July 18, 2009

More Googly Eyes

This is another googly eyed monster made for my little sister. This is a slug-like monster inspired by the singing slugs from Flushed Away. His name is Bob and his wide, toothy grin is great for singing with. This little guy is the nicest of the monsters and will be your friend forever!This is decorative pillow I made the other day that I am very proud of! I love little cute owl-y things and I had a lot of fun finding complimenting fabric and carefully cutting and sewing them onto the pillow case. I also decided to use my googly eyes on this guy too. :)))

Making the pillow inspired me to make this stuffed animal into the shape of an owl also. At first, he was just a fat little crayon sketch made on a scrap of paper, but after making the pillow I decided to make him into reality. Before putting the wings or eyes on, I was very afraid he would be ugly, he was just an awfully wide stretch of old t-shirt with devil's horns. But, I didn't have to worry, because as soon as I put on his googly eye he was my own, totally and insanely cute little owl-y thingy!
Here are my latest creations relaxin' together on the couch. I love how they look all together! <3

1 comment:

Lisa-Marie (Not Presley) said...

Hahaha, those are so cool still :)

I wish I had your skills :D