February 23, 2008

My First Quilt

Here is my first quilt! I'm so excited to finally finish it! I started it last winter with some scrap fabric they were selling at our tiny little craft store. Then, all summer I neglected it until we got back from MS and I picked it back up again. I had already finished all the squares, all I had to do was put the back on. You're probably wondering why it took me so dang long, I should have gotten done last winter instead of letting it sit until summer. But, you see, its completely hand sewn! I could have used a sewing machine but I didn't think it'd be as special, plus I love to hand sew! I love it much better than the sewing machine! Well, I hope you like it! (Now, the craft store has ordered fabric with brighter, hipper colors so I'm kinda disappointed...but I still love it!)


katie said...

cool! i could never do something like that! sry i haven't talked in a while my laptop wasn't workin for a week or 2,so how u been?


katie said...

yeah sry like i siad my laptop was evil there forr a while lol i'v been good,i finaly found out how to ues my tablet the RIGHT way lol so i'v been drawing to much but thats about it .

katie said...

oh,well i ues to draw the pic on paper,scan it then color it with my tablet and that took forever!but know i know how to draw it right on to my laptop and it's much faster,plus i know how to highlight and add shadows to the pic that makes it look even better :)