December 20, 2007

Asian bead Necklace

I'm really proud of this one! But I haven't thought of a name for it...any suggestions? It's made with cheapo plastic black beads and the red Chinese beads are made out of some odd rubbery plastic stuff....but they're really pretty to me!! The red rock chips are connected so its all the same necklace. It took me a while to figure out the technique but I got it. It's pretty clever really since I had to instructions or pictures to help me (Same with The Malissa) The earrings I made sometime after the necklace (since it took almost 3 hours to make) The diamond is actually made from a paper clip, and the rock chips dangle on straight pins separated by metal spacer beads. It was a long and hard job to find the right pattern and lots of paper clips had to be sacrificed, but it was worth it in the end!

1 comment:

Malissa said...

That beautiful Sam! I hate to say I can't think of a good name for it, but since you used Chinese beads do you think you could come up with a Chinese name for it? You are really getting the hang of it all!