December 14, 2007

I Recycle!

When I was 11 or 12 I begged my mom to get me these pants, my neighbor said they were cool so I had to get a pair! That was when I was starting to care about my appearance! Anyway, now they are way too short and too tight in the legs so I decided to try a project from the Sew Subversive book. I'm making a hip belt! Never heard of it? Neither have I, but it looked cool in the book!
I'm gonna cut the legs off as low as possible then hem it up with a ribbon. (Its an ultra mini skirt that I would never where in public on its own, so I where it over jeans and its a hip belt!) The ribbon and buttons were my own ideas! We have a bucket full of all sorts of buttons though most are not very colorful thats way we haven't used them all yet! But I found a bunch that would go perfect and tried different assortments, one of the first was a Navy look. It didn't feel right though, because my dad is in the Air Force and my uncle is in the Army. So I tried to find another look but I couldn't find anything better! So...I decided to go nautical anyway. Hey, my great grandpa was in the Navy so there!
After I cut off the legs and sewed the ribbons and buttons on, I had to find a shirt to go with it. The only thing that I owned that looked alright was a white cami. But, my arms were cold of course so, just for a laugh, I pulled the pant legs over my arms, which were still connected by a little piece of fabric. To my surprise it looked good! Remember, waste not! So here it is pinned on the cami, all I have to do is sew it. Ta Da! You won't find anything like this on anyone else! I recycled my old pants to create an outfit completely my own!

1 comment:

Malissa said...

Fashion Design may be in your future!