December 15, 2007

The D.C. Zoo

Here are the pictures I drew when I was at the D.C. Zoo:

That's weird....I didn't relize that I drew mostly birds...don't ask why that is cause I don't know...


katie said...

on what? if ur talking about the pics that i colored myself i did it with so high quality coloring pencils from Hobby Lobby there like $1.27 each it's crazy lol

katie said...

yeah i love them lol i just ues them up to fast,so whatcha been up to ,oh did u see my pic of the cloud and aerith wolves (i know,im werid i make everyone a wolf lol sry but it's just my thing)

katie said...

thanks,yeah you'll be old enough to vote by the time that rolls around right? when is your b-day,yeah he's one of the guys that is really what America needs but they never seem to win :( ok i'll talk to ya later ^_^