March 8, 2008

Koln Trip

Today I went with my Youth Group to the Cathedral in Koln (In America we call it Cologne) It was really fun and very pretty. I wasn't able to get a full picture of the cathedral though because if I backed up to get the whole thing (its gigantic) I would have been trampled by the crowds of people. Half of it was under construction any way so you didn't really miss out.
The detail and elegance of this thing is amazing!

A legend says that the Three Magi from the Nativity went into hiding because of Herod. Even after they were dead, their bodies were moved to keep the "enemy", I guess you would call them, from finding them. They say that they are buried under the church...but I don't know how they can be sure... Anyway, this is the monument dedicated to them. (We were blocked off from it though.)

There are a lot of other monuments dedicated to bishops, martyrs and saints but all the pictures I took were very blurry. It was hard to find the right setting for this place...

Here is the oldest stained glass windows in the entire Cathedral. I thought they were very pretty!At the back of the cathedral is a little booth where you can pay 2 Euro to climb to the top of the highest tower thing so you can see an awesome view of the city. We thought it was a good idea at first but after the first couple hundred steps...well... Yeah, we walked about 500 steps up spiral stairs it just kept going and going and going and going and going!
As you can guess, it was very tiring; our legs felt like jelly when we finally got to the top. And even though the "work-out" was grueling and going back down the crowded steps made us dizzy, the view was indeed very nice!
Just a little tidbit that the Youth Group leader, Mr. James, said: The Pope, during last years World Youth Day, came in a boat right there on the water. There were thousands of people crowded around the shore and he had his papal "secret service" with him!

This is us on the train going back to Bitburg! (A 2-hour long trip) Me, Amanda and Sabrina, Austin is taking the picture.

This was a really fun trip! I hope we get to go again soon. Maybe next time we'll take the train to Paris, some other place in Germany or Spain (if we can find some religious value in it :) Or maybe Rome!!! That was be so awesome!!!!!! I've always, always wanted to go to Italy!


katie said...

thanks,ya know i thought about it fora while and came up with something i posted it on my page u can read it if u think it's any good :)

katie said...

thanks,i think it will get better as the story goes on.

katie said...

thanks i'll put it up in the next week or so.

Scorpions concert! that's awesome! i bet u'r going to have so much fun! :D