March 5, 2008

Monster Friends

Here are my little monster plushies!! The green one's my favorite, his name is Sebastian the the yellow one is Ludwig and the blue one is Mozart. (I was gonna name him Wolfgang but he looks too much like a cat to have a name like that!)

Even though they are all named after composers, Sebastian is the only one who plays an instrument. He plays piano but pretty poorly, he bangs and drums on it and makes the most gruesome noises come out of it (as any monster should!)

He's very manipulative. One look into his googly eyes will send anyone into an obedient trance! They do anything he asks willingly because of his cuteness!

Usually monsters don't care too much about cute or pretty things, but Mozart has an eye for paintings. She has many in her collection and all of them are of battles or other violent things (sorry, that's just how monsters are, horrible I know...)

She's the shy one though, so shy in fact that if one person looks her in the eyes she'll run away and hide! She's also very suspicious and scared of everything, and ever since she was a baby, she almost always had a scared look on her face. Now, let this be a lesson to all little children, her face is stuck in the "scared" position forever. But, she doesn't mind because she uses that face often.

Ludwig is the most mysterious one and nobody knows very much about him. He mostly likes to hang out under beds or in closets. I wonder what he's doing under there?

The only thing I know of his past is that he was a sailor at one point. I know because of all the bad words he uses and the anchor tattoo on his back!

He hates getting his picture taken, so I had to sneak behind him while he was reading Harry Potter!

Well, there you go! My little monster friends say goodbye and they wish you unhappy days! (That's the monster way, apparently, to them unhappy days are good!)

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