March 6, 2008

The Monsters' day

A monster's day is packed full of fun things! This is their first day of living and I think they're really enjoying it! Since they've never lived before I created them, they had no idea what to do. So, they decided to copy us.Here is Mozart, Sebastian and Ludwig playing Rummy with the cards we forgot to put away! They really got the hang of it!
Then, they saw me watching Monk so they got the TV from my sisters dollhouse and started staring at it. They didn't like this game very much though, they found very boring and Sebastian said, "Whats the reason for staring at a box for an hour?" I tried to tell him that on a real TV the pictures move and tell a story, but he still didn't get it.
Here's my friends playing with my little sisters blocks. The blocks were really heavy and they weren't able to get that last block up to the top. Sebastian was able to hold it, but Ludwig lost his balance and, well, you can guess what happened then...

My monsters are so fun, nothing ever is boring when they're around! You need to make one too! You'll love them, next post I'll tell you how!

1 comment:

katie said...

awwww there the cuties little monsters EVER!!! u made them yourself?! i couldn't make somthing like that if my life depened on it lol :P